It is important to understand why a Finances After Separation can be helpful.
Financial issues can be one of the reasons people separate and they can remain an on-going issue after separation. We all know that finances can be a source of conflict before separation, during the separation process, and long after separation.
The Finances After Separation course was developed to help people be able to make positive financial decisions during the separation process and to minimize financial conflicts in the long run.
For parents who want to learn more about the legal aspects of separation, dealing with separation, and talking to the children about separation, you can also take the free Parenting After Separation course which is also available on this website.
Finances affect all aspects of separation: how and when people separate; the level of cooperation and communication before, during and after the separation; and the standard of living for each new household after the separation.
This online course is intended to help people understand the role finances play in the separation process. The course was developed based on the following concepts:
By the end of the course, you will have learned more about your finances, and you will have some new strategies to help deal with the financial reality of separation.